It’s likely you are being abused if:
You have been slapped, shaken, pushed, bitten, punched, beaten, pinched, kicked, stabbed, had an object thrown at you, been hit with a weapon or shot
Your personal liberty has been restrained
You have been isolated from friends and family members
You have been locked out of the house or abandoned in dangerous places
You have not been allowed to practice your religious beliefs
You have no access to financial resources or no part in making financial decisions
Prevented from seeking employment
Denied proper medical care when ill or pregnant
You have been threatened
Accused unjustly of having affairs
Constantly criticized and/or humiliated in public
Called derogatory names
Had your thoughts and feelings constantly ignored or denied
You have been forced to perform unwanted sexual acts, raped, forced to have sex with others or to watch others, or called demeaning sexual names.
Your children have been abused to punish you
Affection has been withheld as punishment
You have been forced to submit to reckless driving
Property or pets that you value have been harmed or destroyed
You have been manipulated with lies, promises, and contradictions